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Would you like to play in one of the finest golf clubs in Southern Bavaria?
There are various membership models to suit the individual needs of our members. You can choose between the following models:
Full membership
The Golf Club Starnberg is financed by its full members, who are the owners of the golf course as limited partners. This membership is transferable, perpetual and hereditary.
We would like to explain our different membership models to you in detail and tell you our prices. We are sure you will be surprised by our offers. Please use the contact sheet underneath to schedule a consultation or call us under 0815112157.
Club Magazine
News and background information - twice a year
The magazine is available online, where you can also read through old issues dating back to 2011. Get the latest edition in our office or use the contact form, and we will send you a copy.
Green Fette
Please inform you about our attractive offers
Dear guests,
You are welcome in the Golf-Club Starnberg. You don’t have to reserve starting times. But we still recommend to call ahead or inform yourself on our website ticker about the actual playability of the course.
The green fee prices include all range balls.
Day of the week
Special green fee
VCG only on Monday (other days normal green fee)
Special green fee
Munich Circle on Wednesday
Monday to Friday 2 pm
18 holes
All range fee prices include as many range balls as you want to play.
Thomas Kuhn
Romy Rohrhofer
Sportkoordinatorin, Golfbetriebsassistentin -DGV
Ricarda Mayr
Buchhaltung, Mitgliedermanagement
Nicolas Müller
Dualer Student
GC Starnberg Fairway
14. Juli 2022, 21:46
Hole Twelve Back Nine Par 4 430 Yards
GC Starnberg Fairway
14. Juli 2022, 21:46
Hole Twelve Back Nine Par 4 430 Yards
GC Starnberg Fairway
14. Juli 2022, 21:46
Hole Twelve Back Nine Par 4 430 Yards
GC Starnberg Fairway
14. Juli 2022, 21:46
Hole Twelve Back Nine Par 4 430 Yards
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.
Turnierbericht: 3-Seen Cup 2024 – Schweiß, Spaß und Sensationen!
Was war das für ein Tag! 62 mutige Golfer und Golferinnen trafen sich zum legendären 3-Seen Cup, und die Bedingungen hätten nicht herausfordernder sein können.
Maria Anetseder für Team-EM der Mid-Amateure qualifiziert
Maria, unsere aktuelle Clubmeisterin und Damen- sowie AK30-Mannschaftspielerin, vertritt Deutschland bei der Team-EM der Mid-Amateure (25+ Jahre). Vom 11.-14 September finden die Meisterschaften im Golf
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Lucia Fohrmann durfte am DM-Vorausscheid im Golfclub Spessart vom 26.07.-28.07.2024 teilnehmen. Nach den Qualifikationsturnieren und nach der Bayerischen Meisterschaft stand die Qualifikation fest. Lucia durfte
Golf Shoot Out – 1 gegen 1
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing
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24/7 - Keep the golf course in sight
The WebCams of the Golf-Club Starnberg transmit images of the golf course around the clock LIVE and are sponsored by
GC Starnberg Fairway
14. Juli 2022, 21:46
Hole Twelve Back Nine Par 4 430 Yards
GC Starnberg Fairway
14. Juli 2022, 21:46
Hole Twelve Back Nine Par 4 430 Yards
GC Starnberg Fairway
14. Juli 2022, 21:46
Hole Twelve Back Nine Par 4 430 Yards
Our sponsors
Many thanks to the Kreissparkasse München Starnberg (supporter of a lot of important projects since 2007), to R. Rebmann Volvo Starnberg (supporter since 1990) and VS Immobilien GmbH, which has been a loyal and longtime sponsor.
For future projects the Golfclub Starnberg would be delighted to gain further sponsors. We would be happy to introduce our projects to you and discuss different possibilities of sponsoring.
Do you know the story behind our coat of arms?
The coat of arms of the Golf-Club Starnberg e.V. shows a proud ship, the BUCENTAUR, with the Starnberg Castle in the background. At the founding of the Club, on 02. May 1986, the founders wanted to find a coat of arms that shows the historical significance of Starnberg and Lake Starnberg. They got inspired by the following historic “events” from the 17th century:
During the baroque period, Kurfürst Ferdinand Maria organized expensive and extravagant celebrations at the lake. In order to delight his wife Adelaide von Savoyen, who was a niece of the venetian Doge, he recreated the golden galley, the Buzintoro of the Doge and named it ‘Bucentaur’. The Bucentaur was a majestic ship, that was rowed by one hundred rowers and could accomodate the complete bavarian nobility. 100 smaller boats and around 1000 people were needed to host these gigantic celebrations. The whole shore was illuminated when they rowed from castle to castle. During these celebrations they also used to go on big lake hunts.
Kind regards, Helmut Wagner, Landowner.
Helmut Wagner
Do you know the story behind our coat of arms?
Founding of the Golf Club Starnberg on the 2nd of May 1986 by the founding President August Mehr.
Completion of the course work 1988 (golf course architect: Kurt Rossknecht).
Opening of the Club House in the summer of 1988.
Only four months after the establishment of the Golf-Club Starnberg it had crossed the 500 members line.
Most important events: European Challenge Tour: Audi Quattro Trophy 1991 and 1992, host of the Bavarian Championships since 2012